Blog 2 | Design Methodology and Planning
Design 302 | Date: 04/08/24 (Sunday)
The Four Fs
Within this blog post, I’ll be reflecting on mostly week 3 based on the toolkits, using The Four Fs.
During week 3, I started on the inspiration phase, looking into researching more on my topic. I continued to plan more on the design process for my project. Examining the different phases of my design process and confirming the methods and tools I would use.
Figure 1.
Overview of methods within my Miro board
Note: Image with a screenshot of author's Miro board depicting an overview of the tools and methods to be used within each phase of the design methodology chosen.
Throughout this week and previous weeks, I have felt unsure and somewhat insecure about what I am doing. Not confident or certain in how my project was going to turn out.
As I had gone through the IDEO toolkit and selected each method of my design process, I started to feel more confident in the inspiration and ideation phases of this project, yet uncertain if this design methodology was the right choice when I had started looking into the implementation phases. They seemed to be more business-oriented than I had thought previously, which made me feel somewhat frustrated and confused about why I had previously chosen this toolkit.
I had found from doing this that despite this design toolkit being not exactly what I had previously thought, going through its phases and methods had definitely helped with my previous feelings of confusion and fuustrations on the future/process of this research. Although I had negative initial reactions to the implementation phases of this toolkit, I’ll keep using it. I also learnt that these business-oriented methods are vital in the IDEO toolkit for its three lenses - which cover design innovation as being desirable, feasible and viable.
From this, I have taken away that my chosen design method wasn't a perfect fit. However, I will continue using it, with the potential to change some aspects of the implementation methods to better fit my research, being less business-oriented.
I can also take away from this the importance of planning ahead, had I not gone through my design methodology beforehand, I might've felt this frustration later in the design process and not have the time to think through what I would do. Having gone through this early on, I was able to change my plans according and if I had deemed this design methodology fully unfit, I would been able to change it before I had started on my project, saving away wasted efforts and emotions.
Greenaway, R. (n.d.).The Active Reviewing Cycle.
Ideo, & Ideo.Org. (2015). Field Guide to Human-Centered Design
The four F’s of active reviewing. (2018, November 5). The University of Edinburgh.