Emily Chin


Pluriversal reflection

Within the first blog, I felt like I didn’t look into the future. It didn’t seem like the future of 15 years ahead as nothing technology-wise had heavily changed, only the methods of things have been made to be more convenient and maybe the overall look and feel.
If I were to compare the years 2000 with 2015, many things have changed, many of which are hard to predict, and that amount of change didn't occur within my first blog. I was more stuck on perhaps five years later into the future and not to the extent of 15 years.

The knowledge of these new frameworks and case studies has helped me to think more creatively about the future and its potential due to how it doesn't need to be so based on the current like with the speculative design. I have also found that I only thought about potential technologies and how they would change, yet I didn't look into cultures, both my own and others. I also didn't tackle any significant wicked problems and only focused on what I wanted. I would want to change the way by adding more cultural elements and showing how they would be represented in the future. As well as thinking more about other people and how they would be placed and interact with the future I imagine for myself.

Within 2037, the overall view of the city would still look familiar. However, we have newer technologies and ways of consuming. Paper print isn't as prevalent. Information is shown digitally/virtually, with screens and projections into spaces. Desk spaces and office layouts have changed with larger rooms and projects/screens, which spark inspiration. Ergonomic setups are seen within the offices, and more rounded and irregular shapes are seen and spotted around. Better housing is created with smaller spaces - to take up less land that still allows for the people living within not to feel cramped. It wouldn't smell the best due to the effects of global warming. Cultures are reimagined and relived digitally/virtually, they can be seen within screens and pop ups. A better of culture of consumption is formed, where we dont need to feel like we need to have the newest technology/things.

My main three domains/topics haven't changed from the beginning, I feel like I found that I’m interested and invested in these topics. However, the way I think about them has changed. I have a better outlook on them and how they would be changed more. These design frameworks helped with seeing these topics in a different light, yet they

I would like to focus on making my future and its technologies much more out there, looking into either potentially the future of working, looking into office desk spaces and the culture of productivity or the future of loneliness and how the living situations could be changed. I find these two areas to be interesting and could be expanded on, both in potential technologies that could ensure but also are problems which I would like to look into and try to find a solution for.