Emily Chin

Kings and Queens

Design 100

I started off this project by creating a mood board with images from a film that had inspired me as a designer. I had chosen to go ahead with the film “Perfect Blue”, as I liked many of the scenes both visually and symbolically and how they linked the two together throughout the film. On the right of the mood board were some words that I had felt encapsulated the aesthetic.

Perfect Blue (1997)

Ideation and iteration

I had played around with the idea of different sides, mirroring of self and objects and the breaking down of shapes. Often most of my ideas had it so that the chess piece would need to be spun around to get a good look at the different sides that would contrast each other. The main object I had gone ahead with is the fish, as it was a clear/distinctive object that was a motif within the film. It had helped displayed the differences between what is ‘real’ and not.


I had created some of the ideas I had come up with on Blender to give me a feel of the design in a 3D space, which led to me choosing not to go forward with the fish on the front and back design as I had felt it was hard to convey the shape completely. I had used the boolean modifier to create the breaking down shape on one side of the chess piece. I had imported my model into Rihno7 afterwards to make sure that the object was correct in terms of size, as Blender isn't as precise, for 3D printing.

Final Design


My final design is a chess piece that was created to be shaped like a general fish, with one side of the piece breaking down, contrasting itself in terms of its two different sides. I liked the general idea of the breaking down on the side, however, I had felt like the execution within the 3D model wasn’t done well. It is also a shape that would be hard to 3D print due to any angles that wouldn't be supported.

I had felt that the idealisation of the design was somewhat hard, this could be due to the mood board that I had created. For my next design brief, I would spend more time on the mood board and putting down more ideas despite how good/bad it is.